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An overview of the most common causes of car accidents

Do you drive your car too fast? If you do, you do take a risk of losing your life or at least sustaining injuries. Although car accidents are part of life, you may avoid getting involved in car accidents if you don’t drive too fast. So, the first thing that you have to do to avoid getting involved in car accidents is that you always have to drive at medium speed. Never forget to fasten your seat belt.


The best way to avoid car accidents is to follow traffic rules. Of course, traveling is not that easy but you need to have a lot of patients while traveling. Of course, you may be in hurry but driving too fast is not the solution. You’d better reach your destination, whether it is an office, home, or some different location, than you lose your life or become injured. One of the reasons for increasing car accidents is too fast driving.


The third point that is very important as well is; never try to overtake when it is obvious that it may be risky. The study shows that most drivers overlook buckling up and this is one of the leading causes of car accidents. So, you must buckle up before you start driving on the road. Thousands of people die every year because of not wearing seat and belt.

Drivers who do not buckle up sustain severer injuries than those who do wear their seat and belt. Only in American, around ten thousand people have car accidents owing to not wear their seat belt. So far, we’ve discussed three points to keep a car accident to a minimum. The traffic reports released last month revealed that more than 80 percent car accidents happen due to the drivers’ own fault or negligence. Slow driving and seat belt use are two key measures to avoid car accidents.

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